Wednesday, August 01, 2007

MOPS and Me

This is a new endeavor for me---the whole process of posting pictures. If any of you read this in the next day or two, you're probably figuring that the art of posting anything on my blog is new for me!! Now that I'm a novice at uploading pictures, I think this will be more fun for me. Some of you are waiting for pictures from both Honduras and China, and don't worry....I'll work on that hopefully this weekend. Twelve hour work days don't afford me a lot of free time in the next couple of days.
But, I thought I'd start with my MOPS picture because it is personally one of my more recent favorites. These were 'my girls' this past year at MOPS; lots of estrogen in one room for 2 hrs! Each one brought a different sort of 'spice' to our mix, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Grandma Viv (Viv Gamez) and I were the leaders of this pack and we both had a fun year with them all. Thanks to all of you Moms who let us care for your kids; it was a privilege, and at times (I'll admit)..... a challenge. I love Emma's big cheesy grin (front right); Olivia's mischievous smile; Amber's wide open mouth ---I think she was singing. Actually she had a great song during our 'song time.' I always let each one of the girls pick a song to sing; when it was her turn, Amber said she had a song for us all. It was called the "Duck Song."
I told her that we didn't know that one, but she could teach it to us. And before I could even get ready to listen, she popped up and started flapping her arms as she ran around the table 4-5 times all the while she was singing about flying ducks. Then she calmly sat down and said "that's my Duck Song." Rock on Amber! The girl's got creativity. And of course, Rachel has been playing with markers, as she unabashedly displays with her left hand; the incriminating piece of evidence as to where the marker spots came from is obviously held (cap off of course) in her right hand. Gotta love it! Erica and Katelyn round out the crew there in the back row. They were my quieter two, but get them one-on-one and they are quite chatty. We met the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, September through May this past year, and Lord willing, I'll have the opportunity to spend my Tuesdays with 4 and 5 yr. olds again this Fall. If you love an unpredictable life, then spend a few hours with these little ones and you'll find that life truly has not an ounce of boredom.


At 11:08 PM , Blogger Chris said...

It's nice to have you back posting blogs!! I understand your excitement about your MOPS kids. I really enjoyed working with the 2&3's last year and look forward to working with them again this year. Little kids are awesome!!

At 6:44 AM , Blogger Phil Luter said...

Love the post, Sarah! Of course they all love you too. I'm glad to hear you will be back this fall. Looking forward to many more posts!
This will say from Phil - but it really is from Cathy! :) Your blog doesn't allow anonymous comments! (I know Chris, you are asking why I don't get my own blog.)

At 6:58 AM , Blogger Chris said...

It's a fair question mom!
Sarah, You got one up on my mom, at least you have your own blog :)

At 4:46 AM , Blogger TraceyLD said...

Great job on the picture post. I am just figuring out the whole blog thing and posted pictures for the first time yesterday. Steve had posted my previous posts.
I'm so glad you enjoy your time working in MOPS. My girls love you! Thank you so much for being involved in this ministry.
I know of at least 4 new moms for this next school year. I can't wait. It will be here before we know it.

At 5:51 AM , Blogger Pam said...

Sarah! So glad to see a new post :) You have a gift with words. So glad you enjoyed MOPS...I KNOW they love you too!

At 7:27 PM , Blogger Kara said...

When Tracey said you had posted a picture I thought to myself, "Maybe she means another Sarah..." But NO! It's you! You are so great with the girls. I will warn you though- you get Adam in September. That will be a whole other dynamic altogether.


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